Adult Religious Education
Adults can continually enhance their spiritual development through weekly Bible study, Fr. Joe's biweekly adult education class, or by taking advantage of the extensive collection of books in the Msgr. Richard Larocque Library.
RCIA, the program for adults who are interested in becoming Catholic, is a one-on-one training in the Catholic faith.
NEW! Finding Spiritual Balance
An adult learning opportunity led by Mr. James “Pep” Pepitone.
This new program focuses on the teachings and life of Saint Hildegard Von Bingen (1908–1179), who was a Benedictine nun, Christian mystic, composer, philospher, playwright, poet, naturalist, scientist, physician, and ecological activist.
On Monday, November 11 at 9am (following the 8am Mass), the program will begin with a viewing of the film Vision on the life of St. Hildegard. Over the following five Mondays (through December 16) the group will begin reading and discussing the book Hildegard of Bingen’s Spiritual Remedies by Wighard Strehlow. (The class is asked to read to page 37 for the first meeting.) The book synthesizes the holistic wisdom of Hildegard of Bingen to offer the modern reader her spiritual and psychological healing principles. It takes a holistic view of psychological or spiritual illness and its physical repercussions. A 12th-century mystic, visionary, and healer, Hildegard of Bingen recognized that which the holistic health movement has only recently restored to our consciousness: that full health can only be experienced in a state of spiritual balance.
Psychological trauma, emotional distress, and other maladies of the soul often lead to illness and chronic diseases. Health of the body begins with the self-healing of the spirit. Author Strehlow is a noted scholar of St. Hildegard. He promotes nutrition methods, medical treatments, and body-soul connections throughout the world. He directs and practices at the Hildegard Center in Allensbach on Lake Constance in southern Germany.
Jim Pepitone will lead this new program, which is free — however, you will want to order a copy of the book, available on Amazon.
Long-running adult education programs at CTK:​
Bible Study
​Meets in the classroom across from the office, on Thursdays at 9:00 am. All are welcome! We will loan you a bible if you do not have one.
Women's Bible Study
“Walking With Purpose,” a 22-week program for women, began October 2! Classes will meet on Wednesday mornings
and evenings. Visit the WWP page for more information.
Small Christian Community
A group of 8-12 adults who come together weekly to share God’s story (i.e., the past Sunday’s scriptures) with each other and how these scriptures may have had an effect on their lives.
RCIA — Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
RCIA is a program for adults who are interested in becoming Catholic. Visit the RCIA page to learn more.
If you or your spouse, fiancée, or friend is considering being baptized Catholic, — or, if you are already baptized and would like to become Catholic, please call for more information.
Adults interested in becoming Catholic are urged to call the pastor at 434-1660.