Welcome to Christ the King Roman Catholic Church!
We are a community of believers who come together to rejoice in the gifts that have been bestowed on us by the Creator, and who strive to reflect the love of Jesus Christ in our everyday lives.
Our worship space is located in the picturesque shoreline village of Old Lyme, Connecticut, where the Connecticut River meets Long Island Sound. (Directions to Christ the King Church.)
Who We Are
Christ the King Parish is a family of faith, participating in the life of the local, national, and world communities through prayer, worship, and acts of love.
We make our journey through life in the company of one another while growing by the words of Jesus Christ, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, and in the spirit of Vatican II as taught to us by the Church.
Parish Mission Statement
What We Do
The Celebration of the Eucharist is, of course, at the center of our parish life, and we invite you to celebrate with us!
But the parishioners of Christ the King Church carry forward the spirit of Jesus Christ in numerous other ways as well — through outreach to the sick, the poor, and the imprisoned; through educational and social justice programs; and through parish-wide social activities.
NOTE: We continue to live-stream our Masses via Zoom. Learn more.
Mass is celebrated daily at
Christ the King Church.
Mass schedule:
Sundays: 8:00 am & 10:30 am Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm
Monday thru Friday: 8:00 am
Holy Days: 8:00 am & 6:30 pm
Confessions are heard on
Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:30 pm
or by appointment.
Contact the office.
On the Calendar
Mar 9
Mar 10
First Sunday of Lent
Daylight Saving Time begins!!
Faith Formation:
Grades K–5: 9:15am
Grades 6–8: 1–5pm (retreat)
Confirmation: 6:30pm
Book Group 9am

News & Information
High School seniors: 2025 Scholarship applications are now available. Read more.
We continue to live-stream Masses on Zoom. Learn more.

Mass at Christ the King
At Christ the King Church we celebrate the Eucharist every day. All are welcome to attend Mass in person. But we also continue to live-stream weekend Masses for those who are uncomfortable or unable to attend in person. The pandemic dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass has ended, but those who are sick or vulnerable should continue to exercise caution, and join us from home through Zoom if able.
Click here for links to participate in our live-streamed Masses.
Recordings of past Masses are available on our YouTube channel,
with the most recent recording available below.
Click on the image above to view a recording of the 10:30am Sunday Mass as live-streamed on March 9, 2025.